
近日,同济大学公布2021-2022学年度校长奖学金、优秀留学生志愿者奖获奖名单,我院博士生翁塞(护照名为Alimo Philip Kofi)荣获同济大学校长奖学金一等奖。

Recently, Tongji University announced the winners of the President's Scholarship and Outstanding International Student Volunteer Award for the 2021-2022 academic year. Alimo Philip Kofi who’s a Doctoral student at our College has won the first prize of the president's Scholarship.



the winners of the President's Scholarship of Tongji University for the 2021-2022 academic year



    个人简介  The Resume





Philip Kofi Alimo comes from the country of Ghana and enrolled as a Doctoral Student in the College of Transportation Engineering at Tongji University in 2020. He is under the supervision of Professor Wanjing Ma, and his research interest mainly focuses on the disciplines of traffic signal control, green transportation policy, and traffic safety.


with Professor Wanjing Ma


2021年,翁塞在科研方面取得了不错的成绩:在Journal of Transport Geography高质量期刊发表论文1篇;参加了第六届交通信息与安全国际学生学术会议并发表EI论文;参加了长安大学组织的首届国际学生学者论坛和上海理工大学举办的第三届沪江国际青年学者论坛并做报告。

Kofi has achieved good research results in 2021. He has published 1 paper in a high-quality journal (Journal of Transport Geography); participated in the 6th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety and has published EI paper; participated and has made presentations in the 1st International Student Academic Forum of Green and Intelligent Mobility for Future Transport organized by Chang’an University and in the 3rd International Academic Forum for Young Talents  organized by University of Shanghai for Science & Technology, respectively.


第六届交通信息与安全国际学生学术会议(ICTIS 2021)

The 6th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety



首届国际学生学者论坛暨 “感知中国-绿色智能引领未来交通学术论坛

The 1st International Student Academic Forum of Green and Intelligent Mobility for Future Transport



The 3rd International Academic Forum for Young Talents



Kofi believes that participating in school activities is also a form of learning and has actively participated in various college and school’s activities such as representing the college in the 3rd Chinese Classic Recitation and Writing Contest - Classic Recitation Contest for Reciting Chinese (Shanghai Division) along with two other international students in which he won the third prize with the team; entertaining the audience during the 2022 New Year Welcome Party with the African drums and contributing a ton of materials for the African Language Resources Research Center of Tongji University. Regarding China-Africa collaboration, Kofi has also written an article and submitted it for the future book named “Xi Jinping and China in the Eyes of African Students” which is still under review.






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